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Smelly Cheese Co

Moutarde Pommery


A land of mustard and vinegar for many centuries, Meaux still perpetuates the tradition of inimitable know-how. There have been mustard factories here since the 18th century, and J.B. Pommery is one of them. The jealously guarded secret of Moutarde de Meaux® was passed down from the canons. From the 19th century onwards, the Pommery family remained the only ones to produce mustard of consistent, unrivalled quality. Its carefully selected ingredients, slightly spicy flavour and legendary mildness make this a refined mustard that is appreciated today by the world's finest gourmets.

Moutarde de Meaux Pommery (red tap): French grain mustard

Moutarde Fine Pommery de Dijon (black tap): Moutarde de Dijon

Net weight: 100g

Moutarde Pommery
