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Smelly Cheese Co

Chabichou du Poitou


The Poitou-Charentes region to the west of France is known to be the cradle of French goat cheese production. ‘Chabi’, the informal name for this petit fromage, is an interpretation of the Arabian word for young goat – ‘chebi’.

This particular cheese has a thin wrinkled white rind when young with a blue/grey mould forming over parts of the rind and later a reddish growth may develop. The interior is firm and snow white and will become drier with age. It has a sweet, delicate flavour when young and will develop hazelnut characters as it ripens and eventually the stronger tangy goat flavour will dominate.

About Fromagerie Poitou Chèvre

Fromagerie Poitou Chèvre, Poitou-Charente France. It was in 1897 that farmers surrounding La Mothe Saint Héray came together to create the cooperative dairy la Mothe. During the twentieth century, the dairy specialised in cheese production, especially in goat cheese. In 1996, Poitou Chèvre, a family business, took over the operation of the dairy, and is now dedicated to manufacturing goat cheeses such as Chabichou du Poitou, Crottin, Mothais sur Feuille and Ste Maure.

Country of Origin: France

Chabichou du Poitou
